Helpful Links
The website of the national children’s communication charity (I CAN) who provides really helpful information, support and training for parents, carers and pre/schools.
A further website from I CAN which provides lots of helpful information and ideas for parents, carers and pre/schools. There is a really useful progress checker which can be completed for individual children.
The Communication Trust is the on-line hub for over 50 non-profit organisations across the country who works with children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.
A parent-led website for parents and carers of children with special educational needs. There’s lots of information about speech, language and communication here. This site also provides guidance around school funding for your child and their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process.
The website for the British Stammering Association providing guidance and strategies for children, young people, their parents, carers and schools.
The national website for children and young people with Downs Syndrome and their families.
An independent support and advice service which provides support and advocacy for parents who are navigating the SEND and EHCP processes. 
A website dedicated to providing information and advice for parents and carers from their child’s early years through to adulthood. Afasic provides confidential advice and support for families and a monthly drop-in service.
Makaton is a sign system used by many children who experience speech, language and communication needs. This site provides information on the signs and symbols of Makaton as well as information regarding training for families and educational settings.
A website dedicated to providing information and support for children and young people with motor speech difficulties.
The national charity for children and young people who are on the Autistic Spectrum and a hub of information for families and schools. This charity can also provide support to children and young people at school, home on work placements and in the community.